JAKIN-MINA consists of 9 cycles that take place in Bilbao, Durango, Donostia/San Sebastián, Arrasate, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Iruña-Pamplona and Tudela.
Each of the cycles offers five conferences that take place from November to March, once a month, on Fridays, at 17:30h.
Young people in the 4th year of ESO (Secondary School) can register through their school.
More information at akademia@jakiunde.eus
Programazio-lengoaiaren jatorria eta bilakaera
Goirizelaia Ordorika, Iñaki
Deustuko Unibertsitatea-DBS (bigarren solairua, 26. gela), Bilbo
+ InfoJakin-Mina
How do three languages fit in a single head?
Itziar Laka
Bilbao, Deustuko Unibertsitatea-DBS (Segundo piso, aula 26. Gela, bigarren solairua)
+ InfoJakin-Mina
Alimentación saludable y sostenible: fuentes de proteínas alternativas
Astiasarán Anchia, Iciar
Iruña- Pamplona, Auditorio CIVICAN-Fundación Caja Navarra
+ Info