Every society has to cope with problems of varying time frames. Some of them last only a few weeks, others last for months or years; the least are problems that affect more than one generation. These we call challenges, they are big challenges. They are few in number, but their magnitude and implications are of great significance. If they are successfully overcome, society as a whole can make decisive progress. If they fail, the consequence can be stagnation or even regression.

Talent management in the face of demographic winter. A constructive reflection
Summary by the academic Juanjo Álvarez Rubio of the contents of the colloquium organised by Jakiunde on 7 June 2023 at Bizkaia Aretoa, in collaboration with the Basque Government's General Secretariat for Social Transition and Agenda 2030. Foreword by Juan Ignacio Pérez, president of Jakiunde.
In 2022, Jakiunde began a collaboration with Eusko Ikaskuntza-Sociedad de Estudios Vascos with the full design of the winter issue of the journal RIEV by the Academy. This collaboration, in addition to promoting analysis and reflection on the present and future challenges facing society, has strengthened the alliance between the two institutions in the promotion and dissemination of science, arts and literature, through this international journal founded in 1907 by Julio Urquijo. Since 2015 Nicanor Ursua is the director of the journal.
The academics Javier Echeverria and Jesus M. Ugalde are editors of the winter issue of RIEV.

Artificial Intelligence, its potentials and limits, first issue of RIEV (67.2) designed by Jakiunde, with the academic Ignacio Arganda-Carreras, Ikerbasque research research associate at the Dept. of Computational Science and AI of the UPV/EHU, as guest editor.
Large Techno Social Systems. Emergence of Social Welfare Techno Systems, es el segundo número de la RIEV (68,2) diseñado por Jakiunde, con Lourdes Basabe Desmonts, profesora de investigación y directora del Cluster de Microfluidica y Biomica UPV/EHU, y Jon Mikel Zabala Iturriagagoitia, profesor de investigador en el Depto. de Economía de Deusto Business School (Universidad de Deusto), como editores invitados.
Jakiunde calendars feature academics who, after a long professional career, have achieved excellence in their respective disciplines, as well as younger members who carry out cutting-edge work in their profession.

Statements by the academy
The Statements by the Academy are made after an in-depth analysis and reflection by its members. The assessments are carried out at the initiative of Jakiunde or at the request of the institutions.

Jakiunde statement on science policy (2013)
In 2013, Jakiunde published a science policy statement on the need for a bold, demanding and sustainable science policy.
The Academy considered that in the economic crisis at the time, with increasing pressure on public investment cuts in general, there was a need for an effective science policy.
Jakiunde believes that public investment in research and development in the fields of scientific knowledge, in the broadest sense of the term, and technology, is neither a subsidy nor a luxury, but a prerequisite for development.
This is the generic name under which the Academy's publications will be made. The aim of this project is to provide information on what Jakiunde is and what are its activities, enabling the development of its mission and promoting its values.

What is Jakiunde?
What is Jakiunde? Is the first volume of a future series of publications by Jakiunde. Published in 2012, it includes reflections on the meaning of Jakiunde for 22 of its academicians. New members joined the Academy since the first issue was published.
Programazio-lengoaiaren jatorria eta bilakaera
Goirizelaia Ordorika, Iñaki
Deustuko Unibertsitatea-DBS (bigarren solairua, 26. gela), Bilbo
+ InfoJakin-Mina
How do three languages fit in a single head?
Itziar Laka
Bilbao, Deustuko Unibertsitatea-DBS (Segundo piso, aula 26. Gela, bigarren solairua)
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