
JAKIN-MINA is a programme aimed at young people in the 4th year of ESO (Secondary School) at schools in the Basque Autonomous Community and the Autonomous Community of Navarre and consists of a series of cycles of lectures in multiple disciplines, given by leading experts in their respective fields. The first edition of the programme was organised in 2011 and since then more than three thousand young people have taken part.
The programme is sponsored by the Basque Government, the Government of Navarre and the Caja Navarra Foundation, as well as the collaboration of the following universities and organisations: Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea/University of the Basque Country, Mondragon Unibertsitatea, University of Deusto, University of Navarra, Public University of Navarra (UPNA/NUP), Kutxa Fundazioa, Polymat, Artium Museoa, San Telmo Museoa and the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum.
Hotsak / Sonidos

Music is in the arts, it is in the sciences, in religion... and in so many other aspects of human life, for in reality it is not alien to them.
Hotsak-Sonidos is a programme consisting of a series of cycles of conferences and dialogues, the aim of which is to show the relationship between music and other disciplines. The programme takes place in the General and Royal Archive of Navarre in Pamplona.
Hotsak-Sonidos is sponsored and supported by Laboral Kutxa and the Government of Navarre.
+ InfoColloquia

Solasaldiak-Coloquios is a programme open to the general public in which experts from different disciplines come together at a round table to reflect on a central theme from their specific fields of knowledge.
Several of the meetings are held in collaboration with entities such as the San Telmo Museum (Erronkak/Desafíos, Donostia/San Sebastián) and the Caja Navarra Foundation (Perspectivas, Civican, Pamplona).
+ InfoUjué summer courses

The foundations of what was to be the first university in Navarre, founded by Charles II in 1376, are located next to the church-fortress of Ujué.
Taking advantage of this circumstance and coinciding with the 640th anniversary of this event, the professor of the Public University of Navarre (UPNA/NUP) and member of JAKIUNDE, Humberto Bustince, started in August 2016, within the offer of summer courses of the Public University of Navarre, a series of free courses open to the general public, which have been held annually in Ujué since then.
The Ujué summer courses are organised with the collaboration of the Public University of Navarra, sponsored by the Government of Navarra and the Ministry of Science, Innovation and University of the Spanish Government, as well as with the collaboration of the Ujué Town Council.
+ InfoSchedule
Programazio-lengoaiaren jatorria eta bilakaera
Goirizelaia Ordorika, Iñaki
Deustuko Unibertsitatea-DBS (bigarren solairua, 26. gela), Bilbo
+ InfoJakin-Mina
How do three languages fit in a single head?
Itziar Laka
Bilbao, Deustuko Unibertsitatea-DBS (Segundo piso, aula 26. Gela, bigarren solairua)
+ Info