9 Cycles
6 Cities
45 Conferences
We promote the sciences, the arts and the letters.
With special emphasis on quality and the quest for excellence, we constitute a forum of reflection, analysis, diagnosis and counselling on the great challenges of the scientific, artistic and literary communities and of society as a whole.
Get to know Jakiunde
HOTSAK/SONIDOS: ¿Qué busca la música y qué buscamos en ella?
Ramón Andrés y Gustavo Díaz-Jerez
Archivo General y Real de Navarra, Iruña-Pamplona
+ InfoJakin-Mina
Bread, beer or the development of agriculture: what came first?
Arranz Otaegui, Amaia
Carlos Santamaria Zentroa, Donostia San Sebastián
+ InfoJakin-Mina
Stem Cells, Regeneration and the Quest for Immortality
Ivan Carcamo
Deustuko Unibertsitatea-DBS (Segundo piso, aula 26. Gela, bigarren solairua)
+ InfoJakin-Mina
Musak lotan daudenean, …lotan edo bahituta ote daude?
Garazi Navas
Deustuko Unibertsitatea-DBS (Segundo piso, aula 26. Gela, bigarren solairua)
+ InfoJakin-Mina
For ju bustana: XVII. mendeko euskaldunak islandiarrekin hizketan
Gidor Bilbao
Bizkaia Aretoa
+ InfoJakin-Mina
Satélites Sentinel-2: centinelas de bosques y cultivos
María González de Audicana
Sala de prensa, UPNA/NUP, Avda. de Tarazona s/n
+ Info