Science, Religion and Nationalism

Jaume Navarro

Ikerbasque Research Professor, Dept. Logic and Philosophy of Science, Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology, UPV/EHU

Date: 31.10.2023
Hour: 11:31
Place: Joxe Mari Korta zentroa

Science, Religion and Nationalism

What does the history of science have in common with the history of religion and with the history of many nations? In this talk I will present the main ideas from my latest book on the history of science-and-religion, in which I argue that some of the historiographical notions present in the history of religions (myths, revelations, martyrs) and in the history of modern nations (founders, liberators, enemies) can also be found in the narratives about the origins and the history of science. The aim of this argument is not to dismiss the history of science but to prevent the use of inflated or heroic narratives that might, sooner or later, give ammunition to negationist or anti-scientific movements.


Science, Religion and Nationalism

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