Fusi Aizpúrua, Juan Pablo - Jakiunde

Fusi Aizpúrua, Juan Pablo

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Fusi Aizpúrua, Juan Pablo

Juan Pablo Fusi Aizpúrua (1945, San Sebastián) has been professor of Contemporary History at the Complutense University of Madrid since 1988, having previously held a chair at the Universities of Cantabria (1982-1986) and the Basque Country, UPV/EHU (1986-1988). He trained at Oxford University under Prof. Raymond Carr, where he was director of Iberian Studies at St. Antony's College between 1976 and 1980. He holds a doctorate in History from Oxford University (1974) and the Complutense University (1979) and has been visiting professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

He has essentially worked on the history of contemporary Spain, particularly the Basque Country. Some of his books include: España de la dictadura a la democracia (with Raymond Carr, 1979); El País Vasco. Pluralismo y nacionalidad (1983); Franco, autoritarismo y poder personal (1985); España 1808-1996. El desafío de la modernidad (with Jordi Palafox, 1997); España, la evolución de la identidad nacional (1999); Un siglo de España. La cultura (2000); La patria lejana. El nacionalismo en el siglo XX (2003), and Identidades proscritas. El no nacionalismo en sociedades nacionalistas (2006).

Professor Fusi has been director of the National Library and academic director of the Ortega y Gasset University Institute and Foundation.

He has taught courses and participated in numerous conferences and seminars at national and international universities, and was organiser of the Ortega y Gasset exhibition and commemorative events celebrating the centenary of the philosopher from Madrid in 1983.

Juan Pablo Fusi was awarded the Espejo de España Prize (1976), Montaigne European Essay Prize (2001), Julián Marías Award (2008), and was named Honorary Doctor of Humanities by New York University (1987).

Professor Fusi is a full member of the Royal Academy of History since 2015.


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