Gómez Montoro, Angel José - Jakiunde

Gómez Montoro, Angel José

Honorary members

Jurist (Constitutional Law)

Gómez Montoro, Angel José

Ángel José Gómez Montoro (1960, Zamora) obtained an honours degree in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid and diploma in Constitutional Law and Political Science from the Centre for Political and Constitutional Studies. He holds a doctorate in Law from the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid and has lectured at the Complutense University and Universidad Autónoma, where he obtained the post of full professor of Constitutional Law in 1992, and vice-dean of Faculty Affairs. He was a lawyer in the Constitutional Court and qualified for the chair of Constitutional Law.

He was chancellor of the Universidad de Navarra from 2005 to 2012. He has been head of the Constitutional Law Department and vice-dean of the Law School.

He is also head of the School of Parliamentary Law, visiting professor at the Externado Colombia University, and has given lectures and courses in Germany, Italy, Mexico and Colombia, and at numerous Spanish universities and institutions. He is a member of the Association of Spanish Constitutionalists, Association of Constitutional Tribunal Lawyers and Alexander von Humboldt Association of Spain, and sits on the editorial boards of several specialist journals.

He is executive editor of The reform of the State of Autonomous Communities and has published several books and numerous contributions to collective books and national and international journals featuring his speciality.

He received an Outstanding PhD Thesis Award, and the 2003 Francisco Tomás y Valiente Prize, awarded by the Constitutional Court and the Centre for Political and Constitutional Studies. He has been a fellow of the Spanish Parliament, Ministry of Education and Science, and the German Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.



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