Gurrutxaga Abad, Ander - Jakiunde

Gurrutxaga Abad, Ander

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Gurrutxaga Abad, Ander

Ander Gurrutxaga Abad (Barakaldo, Biscay, 1956) gained a degree in Political Science and Sociology from the University of Deusto in 1978. University lecturer since the 1979/1980 session. Doctor in Sociology since 1984. Tenured Lecturer at the University of the Basque Country (UPV) since 1989.  Professor of Sociology at the UPV since 1994. Currently Head Researcher in the Excellence Group on Change, Complexity and Innovation, INNOLAB.

Amongst the books he has written are the following: El código nacionalista vasco durante el franquismo (1985); La Refundación del nacionalismo vasco (1990); La transformación del nacionalismo (1996); Las paradojas sociológicas (1996); La mirada difusa (2002); El presente del estado-nación (2004); La producción de la idea del nosotros (2005); Spanish and Latin American Transitions to Democracy (2005); El malestar en la democracia (2005); Occidente y las otras modernidades (2007); Recorridos por el cambio, la innovación y la incertidumbre (2010); La luz de la luciérnaga. Diálogos sobre innovación social con Javier Echeverria (2012); Implications of Current Research on Social Innovation in the Basque Country (ed.) (2012); Societies and Social Innovation (2013); Voces y argumentos de la innovación social (2013); Fábricas del futuro, with Auxkin Galarraga (2017); Rutas nacionalistas (2017) and Mapas del cambio (2017, at editing stage).

He has been the lead researcher on 28 national and international research projects. As a guest lecturer he has delivered courses, seminars and conferences in foreign and Spanish universities including the University of California - San Diego, Tel Aviv University, Santo Domingo National University, the University of Cuzco, the University of Veracruz in Mexico, Duke University, the Complutense University of Madrid, the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the University of Granada and the Public University of Navarre. He has directed and/or continues to direct more than 20 doctoral theses.

His institutional roles have included: Head of the Department of Sociology at the University of the Basque Country (1994-1996 and 2002-2004), Acting Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication (1989-1990), Vice-Dean of Academic Planning  (1987-1990), Vice-Rector of Teaching Staff at the University of the Basque Country (1990-1991), Director of Universities at the Basque Government (1996-1997) and Deputy Minister of Universities and Research at the Basque Government (1997-2001).

He has also served as a member of the following organisations: Council of Universities (1996-2001), Planning and Organisation Committee of the Council of Universities of Spain (1996-2001), National Assessment Committee (CNEAI) (1996-2001), Vice President of the R+D+I Research Committee of the Basque Government (1997-2001) and member of the judging panel for the Eusko Ikaskuntza-Laboral Kutxa Humanities and Social Sciences prize (1999-2006).

He is also the recipient of the following awards: Sustatu Prize (Department for Work of the Basque Government) for the article titled “La Búsqueda de la Víctima” (1989), Euskoiker Prize for the best research career in social sciences (2012), Accésit Eurobak Prize (2014) and finalist for the Euskadi Prize for Spanish essay with the work Voces y Argumentos de Innovación Social (2014).

Professor Gurrutxaga was elected as a member of Jakiunde on November 24th 2017.


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