Landa Etxebeste, Mariasun - Jakiunde

Landa Etxebeste, Mariasun

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Landa Etxebeste, Mariasun

Mariasun Landa Etxebeste (1949, Errenteria) graduated in Philosophy in Paris and Philosophy and Arts at the University of Valencia. She is a full professor in Literature Teaching at the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU's College of Teacher Training.

She has worked on numerous journals and newspapers, but her creative work has centred on children's and young adult literature. She has written thirty books and much of her work has been translated into English, French, Greek, Arabic, Korean, Russian and so on.

Mariasun Landa has received the 1982 Lizardi Award, 1991 Euskadi Award, 2002 Antonio Mª Labaien Award, the Spanish Ministry of Culture's 2003 National Award for Children's and Young Adult Literature, the 2010 Juul Award for her autobiographical novel, La fiesta en la habitación de al lado, and the 2011 Dabilen Elea Award for her literary career and the innovative quality of her work.

She was selected for the 2001 White Ravens List, drawn up by the renowned Munich International Youth Library.

Some of her books feature on the IBBY (International Board on Books for Young People) Honours List and the OEPLI (Spanish Organisation for Children´s and Young Adult Books) nominated her for the 2008 International Andersen Prize.

In 2004 she was awarded the Medal of Civil Merit by San Sebastián City Council and the City Medal awarded by Errenteria Town Council in recognition of her career and literary work. In 2014 she was awarded the Eusko Ikaskuntza-Laboral Kutxa in Humanities, Culture, Arts and Social Sciences, and in 2024 she received the Emakunde Prize and the BBK Gutun Zuria BIlbao prize.


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