López de Ipiña González de Artaza, Diego
Corresponding members
Computer engineer

Dr. Diego López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza is Professor at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Deusto, accredited by ANECA as University Professor since 30/05/2016, Principal Investigator of the "MORElab - Envisioning Future Internet" group (http://www.morelab.deusto.es/) and Principal Investigator of the recognised research group of the Basque University System DEUSTEK. He has three recognised six-year research fellowships: 2019-2014, 2001-2007 and 2008-13; and one transfer fellowship 2013-2018.
He received his PhD from the University of Cambridge, UK in 2002 with a thesis entitled "Visual Sensing and Middleware Support for Sentient Computing". His main research areas are: pervasive computing, Internet of Things, Semantic Web, semantic adaptive middleware, Linked Open Data, social data mining, semantic modelling and reasoning with ambiguity support, and natural interaction and hybrid human-machine intelligence.
He has supervised 20 doctoral theses and more than 100 bachelor's and master's degree projects. He works or has worked in several coordinated European (GREENGAGE, SOCIO-BEE, INTERLINK, AURORAL, REACH, PARITY, EDI, GREENSOUL, SIMPATICO, CITY4AGE, WELIVE, MOVESMART, IES CITIES, SONOPA, GO-LAB, MUGGES, CBDP, LifeWear) and national (ASIO, THOFU, mIO! ADAPTA, SABESS, PIRAmIDE, ACROSS), including 4 non-oriented fundamental research projects (Internet of People, SentientThings ,TALIS+ENGINE and FRASEware), mostly as principal investigator of the Deusto part, addressing the adoption of mobile computing, Semantic Web, social data mining, Data Science, Citizen Science or co-creation to domains such as Urban Computing, Sustainable Computing, Open Government or Ambient Assisted Living.
He has more than 100 publications in relevant international conferences and journals on the topics of Ubiquitous Computing, Semantic Web, Middleware or AmI. He has more than 180 entries in the Web of Knowledge database, more than 70 with impact factor and more than 200 entries in DBLP. He teaches the subject "Software Process & Quality" and the subject "Advanced Software Development for the Web of Data" in the Degree in Computer Engineering. He also teaches the subject "Cloud Computing" in the Master's Degree in Computer Engineering. He is a corresponding member of Jakiunde - Academy of Sciences and Letters of the Basque Country.