Mancisidor de la Fuente, Mikel
Jurist (International Law)

Mikel Mancisidor de la Fuente (Bilbao, 1970) holds a degree in Law from the University of Deusto and a PhD in International Relations (DIR) from the Geneva School of Diplomacy & International Relations. He is currently Professor of Public International Law at the University of Deusto and Member of the Faculty and Adjunct Professor at the Washington College of Law of the American University, Washington, D. C. He is also a lecturer at Mondragon Unibertsitatea.
For 10 years he was Director of the UNESCO Centre in the Basque Country - UNESCO Etxea (2004-2014). He was also a lecturer at the Summer Courses of the International Institute of Human Rights - René Cassin, in Strasbourg (2016-2022), and has given training courses for various international organisations, governments, judicial bodies and diplomatic schools. He teaches on the "LLM in International Relations and Business Diplomacy", and the "Double Master's Degree in International Law and the Executive MBA" at the University of Deusto, as well as on the Master's Degree in International Studies at the UPV-EHU. He has given lectures and courses, and participated in panels in New York, Copenhagen, Berlin, Paris, Marseille-Aix en Provence, Buenos Aires, Costa Rica, Mexico, Perm (Russia), Addis Ababa or Rabat, among other cities in different continents.
Mikel Mancisidor has been a member of various high-level international working groups and panels within the framework of the UN (OHCHR, WHO and UNESCO). For six years he was rapporteur for the General Comment on Science and Human Rights of the UN Committee on ESCR adopted in 2020. He was a member of the panel of seven experts that drafted UNESCO's position on the "Right to Science and COVID-19" (UNESCO Brief on the Right to Science and COVID-19, UNESCO, Paris, 2022), and one of the twenty members of the Working Group on Academic Freedom, a project coordinated by the "Scholars at Risk" programme of New York University (NYU), which presented to the UN Human Rights Council the Principles for Implementing the Right of Academic Freedom (2023). Mikel Mancisidor was a member of this Working Group selected for the presentation at the UN, together with the ambassadors of Uruguay, France, Portugal and the EU.
His awards include the Gold Medal for Human Rights at the Centenary of the Human Rights League (2013) and the Eusko Ikaskuntza Prize for Humanities, Culture, Arts and Social Sciences (2020). In 2019 he was received as a Friend of the Real Sociedad Bascongada de Amigos del País (RSBAP) with a lecture on the 16th century jurist Fortún García de Ercilla. He is a member of the Advisory Board of the FECYT and has been a member of the Board of the Basque Institute of Memory - Gogora. He is a member of the Institute for democratic governance Globernance, and a member of the Board of Trustees and the Scientific Committee of the Iura Vasconiae Foundation.
Mikel Mancisidor has been an elected member of Jakiunde since November 2023.