Matute Greño, Helena - Jakiunde

Matute Greño, Helena

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Matute Greño, Helena

Helena Matute holds a PhD in Psychology and is Professor of Experimental Psychology at the University of Deusto (Bilbao), where she gives classes on the psychology degree and PhD course as well as running the research team in the Experimental Psychology Laboratory, recognised by the Basque Government as a high-performance team. She has directed 12 doctoral theses and has delivered seminars and PhD courses at several national and foreign universities. She has also been a visiting researcher at the universities in Malaga, Minnesota (USA), Ghent (Belgium), Sydney (Australia) and Queensland (Australia).

She researches learning and memory, specifically cognitive biases, causal illusions and pseudosciences, as well as the relationship people have with new technologies. Part of her work has also been to develop innovative methods of research in psychology, including the creation of computational tasks for studying learning, memory and causal judgements, both in the laboratory and on the Internet. She has published two books on the relationship people have with new technologies and another two on the psychology of learning. In addition, she has published several research articles in the main international scientific journals for her speciality, and was Associate Editor of the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, published by the Experimental Psychology Society.

Matute was formerly the president of the Spanish Society of Experimental Psychology and of the Spanish Society of Comparative Psychology. She has been a member of the Standing Committee of the ENCIENDE Project run by COSCE (Confederation of Scientific Societies in Spain), and has collaborated with the General Directorate for Research to manage the National Plan for R+D in Psychology. She currently sits on the Scientific Advisory Board of FECYT (Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology). Her work has been recognised with the Prisma award and the JotDown-DIPC award.


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