Mijangos Ugarte, Carmen - Jakiunde

Mijangos Ugarte, Carmen


Chemist (Materials science and technology, polimers)

Mijangos Ugarte, Carmen

María del Carmen Mijangos Ugarte (1949, Bilbao) graduated in Chemistry at the University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU. She is Research professor at the National Research Council's (CSIC) Institute of Polymer Science and Technology (ICTP). She is currently head of the Polymer Nanomaterials and Biomaterials Department (ICTP), CSIC.

She has authored over 200 SCI publications and supervised 13 doctoral theses, 15 European master's and other diplomas. She has led 35 research projects including 9 European projects and 10 research contracts with multinational companies. She holds 4 patents.

Professor Mijangos has given 90 guest lectures at international conferences and universities, has been invited to give 30 courses at universities in Europe and Latin America. She currently teaches a Masters Programme in Polymers and Applied Chemistry at the UPV/EHU.

She has sat on the CSIC's Ethics Committee since it was set up.

María del Carmen Mijangos has been visiting professor at international and national centres: 6 months at the University of Toronto (Canada); 2 years at the CNRS in Lyon and Strasbourg; one year at the UPV/EHU, and fifteen months at the Polytechnic University of Barcelona.

She has been the coordinator of the CSIC's Materials Science and Technology Area (2004-2008); manager of the National Programme for Materials (2000-2003); director of the Polymer Science and Technology Institute, CSIC; chief editor of the Revista de Plásticos Modernos, and director of the Master's Programme in Polymers.

Awards and Recognition: the 2004 Spanish Scientific Society's Badge of Honour, and First Prize in the 2008 Ciencia en Acción Awards.



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