Tellería Jorge, Mª Teresa - Jakiunde

Tellería Jorge, Mª Teresa

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Tellería Jorge, Mª Teresa

Maria Teresa Telleria Jorge (Arrasate, 1950) is Professor of Research at the Royal Botanic Garden of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC). She obtained a degree in Pharmacy from the Complutense University of Madrid (1974) and doctorate in Pharmacy from the same university (1978).

Her research currently takes place in the field of analysis of the diversity of fungi, based primarily on the phylogenetic species concept. She has presently published more than 160 papers and has participated in 26 research projects funded by the National R+D+i Programme, National Science Foundation (USA), the European Union, the BBVA Foundation, the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and the Community of Madrid among others, of which she has leaded 18.

She has worked in more than 15 countries across Europe, Africa and Latin America, where she has carried out scientific exploration campaigns and taught university courses, as well as lecturing and participating in both national and international conferences. Furthermore, she has directed several doctoral theses and has carried out tasks of training of research personnel.

Telleria Jorge was the director of the Royal Botanical Garden of Madrid from 1994 to 2006 and its deputy director for the previous nine years. Additionally, she has been a member of the board of experts representing the CSIC who drafted the "National Strategy for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity" (1998); trustee of the General Foundation of the Complutense University (1998-2005) and member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the 2004 Barcelona Forum of Cultures. At present she is a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC).


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