Apezteguía Elso, Maite
Corresponding members

Maite Apezteguía Elso (Pamplona 1956) has a degree in Urban Planning Architecture from the Higher Technical School of Architecture of the University of Navarra (E.T.S.A.U.N. 1979) where she carried out doctoral courses during the years 1981-82.
Her teaching vocation has led her to work as an assistant professor and, later on, associate, of Projects (E.T.S.A.U.N. 1986-1998), external lecturer in Architectural Analysis (La Salle E.T.S.A., Ramón Llull University, Barcelona 1999-2000), director of the Project Workshop at the 2nd International Seminar on Industrial Architecture (Vitoria-Gasteiz 1999) and lecturer in charge of the Workshop of Projects III (E.T.S.A.U.N. 2017-2018). She has participated on multiple juries in different Schools of Architecture and various Organisations.
Her participation in courses, congresses and specific conferences has allowed her to communicate both the intellectual nature of the architectural discipline and the materiality of works. Thanks to this double level of understanding, she was elected representative of Spain in the 8th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia (Venice 2002) and participant in the 8th Biennial of Spanish Architecture, De 0, la mesa blanca, Nuevos Ministerios, Madrid 2003 .
Throughout her professional career, she has received numerous awards and distinctions, among which are the 1st Prize and Special Mention of the Jury in the Housing Project Competition in Bentaberri, San Sebastian-Donostia, 1993; the 3rd Prize in the International Contest of the Congress Center and Auditorium of Pamplona-Iruña, 1998; 1st Prize in the restricted Competition for the Headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Gipuzkoa, San Sebastian-Donostia, 1999; 1st Prize in the restricted Competition for the new Residential Building for the Casa de Misericordia, Pamplona-Iruña 2011; and her status as a finalist in the National Architecture Awards with the Project of 16 semi-detached houses in Gorraiz, Navarra, 2013.
Equally noteworthy are the 4 COAVN Awards that she obtained, Rehabilitation Category 1999 (Reformation of Molino de Zubieta as an eco-museum), Building Category 1999 (Single-Family Home in Gorraiz), Rehabilitation Category 2003 (Tower-House Jauregia in Donamaría), Public Facilities Category 2007 (Headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation, San Sebastián-Donostia).
Her work has been published in numerous magazines (Tectónica, Quaderns, A + T, On Diseño, Arketypo, Cercha, VPOR2, Con Arquitectura, Menhir, Promateriales, etc.) and online publications (Tarte Magazine, Architizer, Tectónica-Online, Hic Architecture, Blog of Stepien and Barno, Bak, Pedro Pegenaute, etc.).
In 2012, she founded Apezteguía Arquitectos.
Maite Apezteguía was chosen Corresponding Member of Jakiunde on 12 November 2021.