Arizkorreta García, Andrés - Jakiunde

Arizkorreta García, Andrés

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Arizkorreta García, Andrés

Andrés Arizkorreta García (1956, Donostia-San Sebastián) holds a degree in Economics from the University of Deusto's Faculty of Economics and Business Administration.

Andrés Arizkorreta joined Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles S.A. - CAF (a company devoted to the design, manufacture, maintenance and supply of equipment and components for railway systems) in 1980, where he has pursued his career, holding several senior posts within the organisation. He was the company's chief executive officer from 2006 until December 2021, and was appointed president of the company in 2015.

He is vice-president of the Board of Directors of the Circle of Basque Entrepreneurs, member of the International Physics Center Foundation's Board of Trustees, the Strategic Council of the CEIT - Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Técnicas de Gipuzkoa (Centre of Studies and Technical Research of Gipuzkoa) and advisor to the Instituto Vasco de Competitividad (Basque Institute for Competitiveness) and Deusto Business School.

Furthermore, Andrés Arizkorreta was head of the Management Knowledge Cluster between 1996 and 2001, and a lecturer at the Centre for the Advancement of Senior Management and Business (C.P.A.) between 1998 and 2002. He currently sits on the Executive Boards of ADEGI (Association of Entrepreneurs of Gipuzkoa) and CONFEBASK (Basque Business Confederation).

Andres Arizkorreta is a full member of Jakiunde.


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