Astiasarán Anchia, Iciar - Jakiunde

Astiasarán Anchia, Iciar

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Pharmacist (Nutrition and Bromatology)

Astiasarán Anchia, Iciar

Iciar Astiasarán Anchia (1960, Aretxabaleta) is a doctor of Pharmacy and professor in the Area of Nutrition and Food Science at the University of Navarre. She is currently director of the Nutrition Research Center of the University of Navarre.

She previously was deputy vice-chancellor of Research (2011-2021) and co-director of the Institute of Food Science at the University of Navarre (ICAUN). She is a full member of the Royal Spanish Academy of Pharmacy. From 2004 to 2011, she was dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy and has sat on several scientific committees at conferences and for associations.

Professor Astiasarán has taken part in 27 research projects, supervised 20 doctoral theses, several of which received outstanding PhD thesis awards and European prizes. She has co-authored 120 publications in journals, 18 book chapters, co-edited 8 books and presented 77 papers at conferences.

She is an assessor for ANECA (The National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain), UNIQUAL (The Agency of Quality Evaluation and Accreditation of the Basque University System) and AGAE (The Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Research of Andalusia), and for several scientific journals in the areas of food science and technology, nutrition and dietetics.

Iciar Astiasarán Anchia was awarded the Gold Medal by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa in 2006 for her "scientific career in the area of nutrition, dietetics and food safety", and the José María Busca Isasi Award by the Basque Academy of Gastronomy. In 2011, she received the Award A pharmacist with a distinguished career by the Official College of Pharmacists of Navarre.

Prof. Astiasaran was acting president of Jakiunde from May to November 2024.


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