Atxa uribe, vicente - Jakiunde

Atxa uribe, vicente

University chancellors

Chancellor of Mondragon Unibertsitatea

Atxa uribe, vicente

Vicente Atxa Uribe (Oñati, 1965). He studied Technical Electronic Engineering at the Higher Polytechnic School of Mondragón and Higher Electronic Engineering at La Salle Engineering School of the Ramón Llull University in Barcelona. Professor Acha received a PhD in Electronics and Communications from Staffordshire University in the United Kingdom and completed the Executive MBA Master's degree at Mondragón Unibertsitatea.

From 1987 to 1989 he worked as an R&D technician at Ulma Packaging and in 1989 he continued his professional career as an R&D technician at Rofin Sinar Laser (Hamburg, Germany). He was later an assistant Lecturer of Communications at Staffordshire University in the United Kingdom.

In 1993 he joined the department of Electronics at the Higher Polytechnic School of Mondragon Unibertsitatea as a professor, where his work was focused on teaching and on participating in research and technological innovation projects in the field of Signal Theory and Communications.

In 2007 he was elected as Director-General of the Higher Polytechnic School of Mondragón Unibertsitatea, a position he held until January 2015, since when he has been Rector of Mondragon Unibertsitatea.


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