Castells Arteche, José Manuel - Jakiunde

Castells Arteche, José Manuel

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Jurist (Administrative Law)

Castells Arteche, José Manuel

José Manuel Castells Arteche (1943, Bilbao) is professor of Administrative Law at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), holds a doctorate (Outstanding PhD Thesis Award) in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid, and lectures at the UPV/EHU's Law School.

Professor Castells has been the president of the Foundation for the Study of Historic and Autonomous Regional Law in Vasconia, member of the Statutory Arbitration Commission appointed by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, Electoral Board of the Historic Territory of Gipuzkoa, and Eusko Ikaskuntza's (The Society of Basque Studies) head of the Law Department and deputy to the presidency.

He has published 17 books, 119 articles covering different topics, participated in 38 national and international conferences and supervised 6 doctoral theses.

Professor Castells is executive editor of the Basque Journal of Public Administration, chairman of the Foundation for the Study of Historic and Autonomous Regional Law in Vasconia's collection of legal monographs, sits on the editorial boards of several journals and is a member of MC-Graw Hill's Administrative Law Section.

He has participated in research projects and conducted studies and reports for several institutions.

José Manuel Castells has been a member of the Arbitration Commission; secretary general of the UPV/EHU; dean of the Donostia-San Sebastián Law School; member of the first democratic Regional Council of Gipuzkoa and director of Local Administration for the General Council of the Basque Country; promoter of the Basque Institute of Public Administration, and advisor on constitutional reform to the Senate and on public safety to the Spanish Parliament and Basque Government's Special Commission on Self-government.


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