Damborenea González, Juan José - Jakiunde

Damborenea González, Juan José

Corresponding members

Chemist (Metallurgy)

Damborenea González, Juan José

Juan José de Damborenea González (Bilbao, 1958). He holds a degree in Chemical Sciences (specialising in Metallurgy) from the Complutense University of Madrid (1980) and a Diploma in Welding from the Ministry of Education and Science, Madrid (1985). He gained a Doctorate in Chemical Sciences at the Complutense University of Madrid, 1985. He is Research Professor at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).

He has been a post-doctoral grant recipient and been an Academic Visitor at Imperial College London, Special Visiting Researcher at the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) and Guest Professor at the Universidad de Oriente (Santiago de Cuba). During his research career he has spent different research periods in European centres in Poland, France and the United Kingdom, and has given classes in different universities.

Head of the Corrosion and Durability Department of the CENIM [National Centre of Metallurgical Investigations] (1996-2008). From 2007-2008 he was director of Revista de Metalurgia [Metallurgy Journal]. Member of the CSIC Materials Department Commission (2006-2008). In 2008, he was named deputy vice-chairman of the Scientific and Technical Departments of the CSIC, where he remained until 2012. During this period he was also a member of the CSIC Women and Science Commission. He has been a member of the League of Scientists of the L'Oréal-Unesco “Men for Women in Science” initiative since 2018.

He has been Executive Office of the Federation of European Materials Societies (2009-2014) and is currently chair of the Spanish Society of Materials (SOCIEMAT).

Since 1982, his scientific activity has been focussed on the field of Corrosion and Durability of metallic materials. He has directed and participated in numerous Spanish and international research projects, always connected with corrosion phenomena and techniques of surface modification of materials to improve their resistance in aggressive environments. He is also the co-author of almost two hundred research works and numerous seminars at Spanish and international conferences, always in the field of corrosion and durability of metallic materials.


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