De la Rúa Vaca, Concepción - Jakiunde

De la Rúa Vaca, Concepción

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De la Rúa Vaca, Concepción

Concepción de La Rua is Professor of Physical Anthropology at the Department of Genetics, Physical Anthropology and Animal Physiology of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of the Basque Country (EHU/UPV). She studied Biological Sciences (1979) and Medicine (1986) at the Faculty of Sciences of the EHU/UPV, and obtained a doctorate in Biology at the same university in 1984.

Her contribution to the innovation of the field of ??Biological Anthropology was the introduction of a molecular approach to the study of human evolution. In the mid-nineties, she initiated an investigation on ancient DNA which had an important international impact and is currently regarded as a reference at state level. Currently, she is developing a project to sequence the genome of ancient human species such as Neanderthals and Cro-Magnon, which places her group at the forefront of today’s research.

Professor at the EHU/UPV (1980-1999), in the last ten years she has participated in more than 50 publications, of which more than 35 have come to light in European and American international journals. Concepción de la Rúa won the Eusko Iker Research Award in 2010.

Conchi de la Rúa: "Somos lo que somos fruto de la evolución".


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