Del Valle Murga, Mª Teresa - Jakiunde

Del Valle Murga, Mª Teresa

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Social anthropologist

Del Valle Murga, Mª Teresa

Teresa del Valle (San Sebastian, 1937) is Professor Emeritus of Social Anthropology at the University of the Basque Country (EHU / UPV) since 2007 and academic collaborator since 2012. She obtained the university’s first Chair of Social Anthropology in 1988.

She studied History in the United States, obtaining her Bachelor’s degree at Saint Mary College in 1966, a Master’s degree in History at Saint Louis University (1969) and in Anthropology at the University of Hawaii (1974). There, Del Valle also obtained a doctorate in Anthropology in 1978. She later studied a degree in Geography and History at the University of Barcelona, and obtained her second doctorate in the University of the Basque Country in 1981.

Her research began in 1970-1972 at the University of Guam and between 1974-1978 at the University of Hawaii, where she was awarded a scholarship in the East-West Center State Center for a doctorate, and her field work focused on Micronesia. On her return from America in 1979, she began her teaching and research experience at the University of the Basque Country (EHU/UPV). Social Anthropology was not yet taught at the EHU/UPV then, and in the second year of the then young Faculty of Philosophy located in San Sebastian, she became the first person to teach the subject.

Since then she has been actively involved in the implementation and consolidation of the discipline and her interest has focused on the advancement of the fields and characteristics of Feminist Anthropology.

Del Valle has undertaken research on feminist criticism in social anthropology, urban anthropology, political anthropology, ethnography of memory and qualitative methodologies. She has authored nine books, has been editor of four and co-author of an additional three, as well as participating in numerous publications, such as "Basque Women. Image and Reality" (Barcelona: Anthropos, 1985), considered a starting point for feminist anthropology in the Basque context.

Teresa del Valle belongs to the founding group of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA, 1989) and served as its first vice president. She was also vice president of Eusko Ikaskuntza, Centre for Basque Studies, in Gipuzkoa from 200 to 2010.

In 2010 she won the Emakunde Prize.


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