Echaide Itarte, Ana Mª - Jakiunde

Echaide Itarte, Ana Mª

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Echaide Itarte, Ana Mª

Ana María Echaide Itarte (1936, Donostia-San Sebastián) graduated in Romance Languages and Literature (Barcelona 1959), holds a PhD (1967), and was assistant and associate professor of Spanish at the University of Navarre between 1964 and 1970, and professor of Basque for the Chair in Basque Language and Culture (1964-70). She obtained the post of associate professor of Spanish at the University of Santiago (1970-1975) through open competition, later to return to the University of Navarre to teach Spanish and Basque Linguistics courses within the speciality of Hispanic Philology. In 1981, she obtained the Chair of General Linguistics at the University of the Basque Country through open competition, only to stay at the university for a short period of time before returning to Pamplona.

During her second period in Pamplona (1975-2002), professor Echaide taught Spanish, General Linguistics, Basque Linguistics and several doctorate courses. She supervised theses in Spanish and Basque Linguistics, as well as degree dissertations, master's degrees and research projects. In 1994, she created and supervised the Diploma in Basque Studies, in which students from different faculties took part until 2002, when she was named emeritus professor.

Ana María Echaide has been a full member of Euskaltzaindia (the Royal Academy of the Basque Language) since 1982; sat on the Council of Navarre for Basque (1996-98); Pamplona City Council's Technical Commission (1997) and was a member of the Colegio de Navarra Foundation as a representative of Eusko Ikaskuntza (The Society of Basque Studies, 1998-2002). She has been named Honorary Member of Euskaltzaindia.


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