Ferrer Ruiz, Esther - Jakiunde

Ferrer Ruiz, Esther

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Ferrer Ruiz, Esther

Esther Ferrer Ruiz (1937, Donostia-San Sebastián) is known for her primary form of expression: her performances - either individually or as part of the ZAJ group (until its break-up in 1996).

At the beginning of the 1960s Esther Ferrer founded the First Free Expression Workshop and Experimental School in conjunction with Jose Antonio Sistiaga, in Elorrio (Biscay). In the mid-1970s, she took up her artistic activities again, with photographic works, installations and pictures based on a series of prime numbers, objects and so on.

Throughout her long career as a performance artist, Esther Ferrer has performed and participated in festivals in Spain: at the Queen Sofia Art Centre (Madrid); Trayecto Gallery (Vitoria); Angels Gallery (Barcelona); Trinta Gallery (Santiago de Compostela); Koldo Mitxelena (Donostia-San Sebastián), and the Andalusian Contemporary Art Centre (Seville). Overseas: at the Donguy Gallery; Lara Vinci Gallery; Galerie Satélite in Paris (France); Statsgalerie in Stuttgart (Germany); Roskilde Contemporary Art Museum (Denmark); Fine Art Museum, Rio de Janeiro, San Paulo and Bahia (Brazil); Biennial of Venice and Cervantes Institutes in Rome (Italy), Sofia (Bulgaria).

Radio broadcasts: Al ritmo del tiempo (keeping up with the times), TA TE TI TO TU or agriculture in the Middle Ages.

She has given many courses at universities and schools of fine arts both in Spain and abroad: Canada, France, Switzerland, Italy.

Esther Ferrer received the 2008 National Fine Arts Award, and the 2012 Gure Artea Prize, awarded by the Basque Government.



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