Innerarity Grau, Daniel - Jakiunde

Innerarity Grau, Daniel

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Innerarity Grau, Daniel

Daniel Innerarity (Bilbao, 1959) is a Professor of Political Philosophy, "Ikerbasque" researcher at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), and Director of said University's Democratic Governance Institute.

He is a Doctor of Philosophy and furthered his studies in Germany, as an intern in the Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation, and in Switzerland and Italy. He has been a Guest Professor at various European and American Universities (Sorbonne University in Paris, London School of Economics, Max Planck Institute of Heidelberg, and Georgetown University). He is currently a Guest Professor at the European Institute of Florence.

His latest books are as follows: La política en tiempos de indignación ('Politics in Times of Indignation', 2015), La democracia en Europa ('Democracy in Europe', 2017), Política para perplejos ('Politics for the Perplexed', 2018), and Comprender la democracia ('Understanding Democracy', 2018). His research is focused on political transformation and the idea of complex democracy.

He is a frequent opinion pages contributor for El Correo / Diario Vasco, El País, and La Vanguardia newspapers.

Among the many awards he has received are the Miguel de Unamuno Essay Award (2002), National Literature Award for Essays (2003), the Espasa Award for Essays (2004), The Eusko Ikaskuntza-Caja Laboral Award for Humanities, Arts, Culture, and Social Sciences (2008), the Euskadi Essay Award (2012), and the Príncipe de Viana Award for Culture (2013).

Daniel Innerarity is a Corresponding Member of the Academia de la Latinidad, Member of the European Academy of Arts and Sciences, and has been an Academic Member of Jakiunde since 9 November 2018.


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