Monreal Zia, Gregorio - Jakiunde

Monreal Zia, Gregorio

Emeritus member

Jurist (Legal history)

Monreal Zia, Gregorio

Gregorio Monreal Zia (1942, Etayo) studied Law and Economics in the University of Deusto and holds a Phd in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid.

He has been a professor at several universities: Deusto (1967-68/1971-72); Valladolid (1972-76); Extremadura (1976-77); Complutense (1977-78); Basque Country, UPV/EHU (1978-95), and at the Public University of Navarre since 1995. He was visiting scholar at the Universities of Reno and Berkeley, 1985-86; has been annual visiting professor at the University of Paris XII since 1993 and was the holder of a William A. Douglass Distinguished Fellowship from the Center for Basque Studies, 2005-2006.

Professor Monreal was chairman of Eusko Ikaskuntza, 1992-1996; executive editor of the International Journal of Basque Studies (RIEV), 1997-2005, and has been scientific director of the Foundation for the Study of Historic and Regional Law in Vasconia since 2003.

He was deputy vice-chancellor of the UPV/EHU's Biscay Campus (1979-80), and UPV/EHU vice-chancellor (1981-84/1984-85).

Gregorio Monreal has authored fifty publications on historical/legal sources and institutions in the Basque Country, the crisis of local privileges (fueros), history of traditional Basque political thought, and the past and present problems facing universities as institutions, mainly in Vasconia.

He is a permanent member of the Royal Basque Society of Friends of the Country; Société d'Histoire du Droit; Association Française des Historiens des Idées Politiques; sits on the Editorial Board of the History of Spanish Law Yearbook and is executive editor of the journal Iura Vasconiae.

Gregorio Monreal was senator for Gipuzkoa in the Constituent Legislature (1977-78); member of the Assembly of Basque Parliamentarians Negotiating Commission (19779 and the Statute of Gernika drafting body (1978).

He holds the Euskadi Saria prize (2013), and the Carlos III el Noble de Navarra Cross (2016).


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